BENEFITS of Anti WRinkle Injections (Botulinum Toxin)

Reduction of Wrinkles
Botulinum toxin minimises wrinkles and fine lines, particularly around the forehead, eyes, and mouth.

Instant Results
You can expect to see almost instant results from Botulinum toxin injections. Leave aUK Grantham looking even younger.

Neck Treatments
Nefertiti Neck Lift smooths the neck & jawline. Fight the pull of gravity, improve elasticity and avert the signs of ageing.
Anti Wrinkle Treatments
Often referred to as “Botox®” which is a popular brand name of Botulinum Toxin, anti wrinkle injections relax the muscles on the face. This not only helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but also helps prevent the formation of wrinkles, softening your features and making your face look fresher and younger.
Nefertiti Neck Lift
Using a series of Botulinum injections the Nefertiti Neck Lift smooth’s the neck and jawline, these injections fight the pull of gravity, improve elasticity and avert the signs of ageing. The treatment ultimately restores volume and a sense of youth to aged skin.

aUK Grantham Botulinum Toxin
We have been delivering Botulinum Toxin anti-age gin injections since 2009 in the Grantham and Lincolnshire area.
We believe great respect should be given to mother nature and a good practitioner should use aesthetics to enhance and restore rather than manipulate. Bigger is not always better. Think of this as tweakments to make your beauty self shine.

Botulinum Toxin A is a neurotoxin which is injected into the muscles to prevent the release of acetylchloline at the neuromuscular juntion. This chemical (acetylcholine) is normally released and passes a chemical message to the muscle to allow it to contract. When this message is blocked the muscle fibres are temporarily paralysed and unable to contract, consequently relaxing the muscle and the skin. As the muscle is unable to contract as much it can prevent wrinkles from forming, improves static wrinkles and prevents existing wrinkles becoming deeper lines/folds.
During your consultation a detailed medical history will be taken, helping the practitioner to determine whether treatment is an appropriate product/treatment for you to receive and whether it will help you achieve the results that you are looking for. This will also reduce the risk of any unwanted side effects from the treatment. During this consultation the potential risks and aftercare recommendations are discussed. If you still have questions about this treatment please contact us. 01476 849 342
- One week prior to your treatment, avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Ibuprofen), Gingko Biloba, Vitamin E or fish oil supplements. These agents may increase bruising and bleeding at the injection site. If you require a pain remedy during this time period, it is ok to take paracetamol.
- Adding leafy greens to your diet will boost your Vitamin K and help to reduce the possibility of bruising and swelling.
- Arnica supplements have been shown to reduce discomfort, bruising and swelling from injectable procedures. Arnica pills may be started the day before or the day of treatment and should be continued until bruising has resolved.
- A topical numbing cream may be applied to help with any discomfort. This does require a longer appointment time of an additional 20 minutes for optimal results.
- Bruising is possible and therefore, we recommend that you schedule any social plans accordingly for 7-10 days following your injection.
- While initial effects of the injection are visible in as soon as 3-5 days, you should expect your final results to be achieved 2-3 weeks after an injection.
- You will be made comfortable on a treatment couch whilst maintaining privacy and dignity.
- Your practitioner will check through your consent forms and medical history.
- You will be then handed a mirror to discuss your requirements from the procedure.
- You will be asked if you have any phobia’s to needles.
- The treatment area will be cleansed.
- Your face will then be “marked up” for the practitioner to inject.
The skin will be cleansed, and appropriate dressings or pre-treatment applied.
Results can last 3-4 months dependent on the individual and lifestyle choices.
- Anybody with an allergy or acknowledged hypersensitivity to Botulinum Toxin Type A or to any of its’ excipients e.g. human albumin, and sodium chloride.
- Anyone who has a disease affecting your muscles and nerves (e.g. myasthenia gravis, Eaton Lambert Syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s syndrome).
- Any skin infection at the site of injection.
- Anyone currently pregnant or breastfeeding
- Anybody who is having co-treatment with Aminoglycoside antibiotics, or medicinal products, that causes muscle relaxation, for example tubocurarine.
What to avoid:
- No Touching or rubbing the areas injected.
- Avoid Physical Activity for the first 24 hours post treatment.
- Don’t Take Painkillers or Drink Alcohol
- Remain upright for 3 hours after the procedure.
- Do not lay down on your face
Book Botulinum Toxin Treatments at aUK Grantham
aUK have the highest qualified Aesthetic Practitioners in the UK*.
To find out more about a personalised treatment plan for you, call us or click below to book a treatment online.