Dissolving Dermal Filler


Hyaluronidase is an FDA approved injectable solution, which speeds up the natural breakdown of Hyaluronic Acid. Hyalronidase works to breakdown Hyaluronic Acid-based fillers and is a highly sought after treatment for those wanting to reduce the effects of a previous cosmetic injection.

Many Dermal Fillers consist mostly of synthesised Hyaluronic Acid; it is therefore possible to break down these fillers with the use of Hyaluronidase. Those who are unhappy with a previous injectable procedure usually seek after Hyaluronidase. Often clients have previously visited clinics and feel unhappy with their results, leaving the client unhappy and self conscious of their new look.

Fortunately Hyaluronidase is able to help reduce the effects of previous filler that has been injected. The solution is injected into the treatment area and the effects can be seen after several minutes, with optimum results being visible after a few days.

Hyaluronidase is suitable for all fillers built of Hyaluronic Acid.



  • If Dermal Filler isn’t right for you, it can be dissolved.
  • The product can be dissolved in minutes
  • Once the filler has been removed, after 2 weeks we can inject more filler to create your desired look.

Treatment FAQ’s


Prior to treatment you will have an initial consultation to discuss your concerns and what you are hoping to achieve from treatment.

Following injection into the treated area, the enzyme acts within minutes to dissolve unwanted filler and restore the original facial contours. The desired level of flattening can usually be achieved by carefully monitoring the Hyalase dose, with larger doses resulting in complete elimination of the filler from the implantation site.

It is best to delay the injections by several days after Dermal Filler implantation to allow for subsidence of any short-term, treatment-related swelling. The easy reversibility of these commonly used fillers provides a comforting safety margin, ensuring the fillers are associated with almost no permanent adverse effects, contrasting strongly with the inflexibility and irreversibility of permanent fillers.


During your consultation a detailed medical history will be taken, helping the practitioner to determine whether treatment is an appropriate product/treatment for you to receive and whether it will help you achieve the results that you are looking for. This will also reduce the risk of any unwanted side effects from the treatment. During this consultation the potential risks and aftercare recommendations are discussed.If you still have questions about this treatment please contact us.

Secure your booking today online or call 01476 568 378 to book.


  • Do prep your skin. Prior to treatment, make sure to look after your skin and keep it in the best condition. Moisturise and avoid damaged pores.
  • Do use sun cream, pre-and-post treatment, to protect your skin.
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours pre-and post treatment.
  • For a week before and after the procedure, avoid blood thinners such as aspirin, Ibuprofen and Vitamin E, as well as certain food supplements such as fish oil, liquorice, garlic, ginger, ginkgo and green tea.
  • Avoid sun and heat exposure


The skin will be cleansed, and appropriate dressings or pre-treatment applied.


  • On arrival to the clinic you be taken to a private room to have topical numbing cream applied, to ease discomfort during procedure.
  • As the cream takes around 20-30 minutes to take affect, you will be able to relax in our relaxation area.
  • You will be made comfortable on a treatment couch whilst maintaining privacy and dignity.
  • Your practitioner will check through your consent forms and medical history.
  • You will be then handed a mirror to discuss your requirements from the procedure.
  • You will be asked if you have any phobia’s to needles.
  • The treatment area will be cleansed.


Hyaluronidase is ideal for those who are looking to reduce the effects of a previous Dermal Filler procedure. Results vary from client to client, some clients will notice the effect of the treatment immediately, however it usual to see optimum results after 3-5 days.


  • Anyone allergic to any of the ingredients in the dermal filler (Hyaluronic acid is a natural constituent of skin therefore you would not be allergic to this) Lidocaine is usually present within the hyaluronic acid gel formulation
  • Skin infection at the injection site
  • Dermal filler treatment is contraindicated for some people with certain auto-immune diseases
  • If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or breast-feeding (It is not known if the dermal filler can be harmful to your unborn child)
  • Also tell us if you are taking any medicines including herbal as some may be contraindicated


After treatment, slight redness, swelling, itching and some tenderness at the site of injection may occur. This is normal and will generally disappear over the next 7-14 days.

  • Keep well hydrated (2-3 litres of water) for the next 3 days
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours after treatment
  • Apply some ice to area if swollen/tender- such as an ice lolly or ice pack
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and heat treatments for 48 hours
  • Avoid creams with Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Glycolic acid around the area
  • Avoid direct sunlight and wear a high SPF sunscreen to prolong the duration of the fillers
  • If you suffer with cold sores, there is a risk of activating them
  • If taking aspirin, clopidrogrel, warfarin and other blood thinning medication you should be aware that there will be an increased likelihood of bleeding or bruising at injection site(s).
  • If itching or swelling occur, a general over the counter antihistamine can be taken for a period of one week.
  • Arnica cream/capsules can be taken to help prevent bruising.
  • Keep the area sterile